Serving top tier universities as well as hundreds of consumers worldwide, Quantum Levitation provides quality products with personalized service and support with every purchase. The company was founded by top physicists in the field of magnetic levitation. We are focused on developing and building levitation technologies that can be adapted and used in various consumer products. Quantum Levitation’s mission is to continue to design and develop new products in the field of Quantum Levitation solving our customers’ needs at any size & scale.
Are you looking for magnetic or Quantum levitation, science experiment and science fair projects? Do you want an online retailer that values you as a customer and has years of experience in the field of magnetic levitation?.
Whether you need a science project idea, a science kit for an upcoming science fair or something that will set your culinary display apart from the rest, Quantum Experience has you covered. The technology behind our products, licensed from Tel-Aviv University superconductivity lab, is the future of energy efficient transportation and will give designers and researchers the tools they need to explore new ideas.
The Quantum Experience team will be there before, during and after every sale, to help you with your order and answer any questions you may have about our technology and products.
Shop our selection of science and culinary kits at Quantum Levitation today and see what we have in store for you. Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to become a part of the Quantum Levitation online community and be the first to see what the Quantum Experience team comes up with next.